a mom benefits from her autism parent training program

What You’ll Learn in Autism Parent Training

An autism diagnosis can be one of the most significant challenges a child and their parents undergo. Overnight a family’s life can change. Not only do hopes, dreams, and expectations for your child’s future shift, so does your own parenting. No matter the severity of an autism diagnosis, parents should never go through the journey…

a child benefits from early intervention for autism

Characteristics of a Good Early Intervention Program

The early months of a child’s life are often the most challenging time for parents. However, some children begin struggling with social interactions, and the parent suspects autism. In such cases, an early autism diagnosis can make a world of difference for parents and children with ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents in 1 in…

social skills for aspergers is important for these two young children

Benefits of Social Skills Programs for Asperger’s Syndrome

In recent years, awareness of Asperger’s syndrome has increased as more people are diagnosed with this high-functioning type of autism. With Asperger’s syndrome frequently portrayed on television and awareness in the media, there is a greater general understanding of the social skills struggles that face those with Asperger’s. These challenges often present as difficulty understanding…

a woman helps with different types of autism

Are There Different Types of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) covers a wide range of developmental challenges and symptoms. Often it takes time to get a diagnosis of autism, and the process can feel overwhelming for the family because it cannot simply be diagnosed with a blood test. Because of its complexity, it can be hard to understand the different types…