a woman practices autism speech therapy for communication

Ways Autism Speech Therapy Can Strengthen Communication

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can have struggles in many different areas of their life that require extra help. One of the top challenges parents face is their child’s struggle to communicate needs and feelings effectively. Autism speech therapy for communication can be an invaluable option for the families of autistic children to ensure…

a girl works on telehealth autism treatment at home

The Benefits of Telehealth Autism Treatment

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s been a significant shift in communication behaviors, methods, and general comfort using technology. Due to a sudden reliance on technology, there has been greater access to and utilization of video-conferencing communication platforms. It has become easier than ever before to communicate with doctors, therapists, and caregivers consistently.…

children should practice autism life skills with parents

Ways to Teach Life Skills to Your Child with Autism

Autism can make daily life skills challenging. Children with autism may struggle to understand the world around them, which can create challenges at school and at home. Autism can make it difficult to understand the steps of home tasks like laundry, cooking, or understanding how money works. Often, this leads to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and…

a child practices speech therapy skills at home

How to Practice Speech Therapy Skills at Home

Effective speech therapy and language training begin at home. Many children with autism struggle to articulate words, have underdeveloped mouth, throat, and neck muscles, or don’t verbally communicate at all. In early childhood development, these are speech delays and often require in-office and at-home speech therapy programs. Speech delays can develop in the first six…

a father and son excel in their family therapy program

Qualities of a Successful Family Therapy Program for Autism

An autism diagnosis affects an entire family. Overnight hopes, dreams, plans, and aspirations change, and parenting becomes a different challenge. When a child is diagnosed with autism, parents can feel like they have limited support. Family therapy programs support children, parents, siblings, and extended family to help family members cope with and understand a learner’s…

a child with autism participates in telehealth treatment

Proven Telehealth Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Today, telehealth treatment is becoming a standard type of medical care across the country. For those seeking autism treatment, telehealth offers a stress-free convenient support system from the comfort of home. Many children with autism struggle with social anxiety and prefer to be at home. Telehealth therapy, educational tools, and doctors can free parents from…

a child benefits from early intervention for autism

Characteristics of a Good Early Intervention Program

The early months of a child’s life are often the most challenging time for parents. However, some children begin struggling with social interactions, and the parent suspects autism. In such cases, an early autism diagnosis can make a world of difference for parents and children with ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents in 1 in…