Boy Displaying Signs of Autism

Boys may show more typical symptoms of autism than their female counterparts. Therefore, for some professionals, identifying an autism spectrum disorder in boys is more common than for girls. If you think your son may have common symptoms that appear in children with autism, contact your pediatrician for a diagnosis. Then, call EMIT Therapeutics at 844.983.0240 to learn about our autism treatment programs and parent training program in New Jersey. The earlier you have your son diagnosed, the earlier you can begin treatments to help him.

What Are Common Signs of Autism in Boys?

Autism symptoms in boys commonly align with typical signs of the condition. Boys with autism may exhibit some of the following symptoms:

  • Repetitive actions or language such as rocking back and forth or saying the same word repeatedly
  • Not smiling when making eye contact
  • Refusing to make eye contact
  • Not picking up on social cues
  • An inability to understand what people feel or think
  • Requiring strict routines to avoid getting upset
  • Understanding language literally and having difficulty with figures of speech

These are not the only signs of autism in boys. However, if you notice any changes or delayed development in your child’s communication ability, social skills, or relational skills, talk to their pediatrician. Your doctor can determine if they might have a condition along the autism spectrum.

How Are Autism Symptoms Different in Boys?

Girls tend to have socialization that allows for those with autism to develop better social skills. Boys do not have this same upbringing. Therefore, most boys will have the most typical symptoms of autism.

However, all children are different. Consequently, if you notice symptoms that could be signs of autism but don’t seem as pronounced as you’ve seen in other children, schedule an assessment with your child’s doctor. Not all boys will have severe symptoms, and not all girls will have mild ones, so please don’t rely on a self-diagnosis. Get your child a professional evaluation. Early intervention programs can help if your child begins them while the brain still grows and allows for changes.

What Should You Do If You Suspect Your Son Has Autism Symptoms?

Your child’s pediatrician can help you determine if your son’s symptoms align with an autism spectrum disorder. Once your son has a diagnosis, connect with treatment professionals to begin learning ways to help your son and yourself to adapt to the condition.

What Happens During Treatment for Autism?

During autism treatment, you and your son will go through a process. Throughout this process, the treatment team learns more about your child and develops a personalized plan to help him. For instance, if you contact us at EMIT Therapeutics, you will go through our treatment process steps, which include:

  • Intake: