children should practice autism life skills with parents

Ways to Teach Life Skills to Your Child with Autism

Autism can make daily life skills challenging. Children with autism may struggle to understand the world around them, which can create challenges at school and at home. Autism can make it difficult to understand the steps of home tasks like laundry, cooking, or understanding how money works. Often, this leads to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and…

a child practices speech therapy skills at home

How to Practice Speech Therapy Skills at Home

Effective speech therapy and language training begin at home. Many children with autism struggle to articulate words, have underdeveloped mouth, throat, and neck muscles, or don’t verbally communicate at all. In early childhood development, these are speech delays and often require in-office and at-home speech therapy programs. Speech delays can develop in the first six…

a father and son excel in their family therapy program

Qualities of a Successful Family Therapy Program for Autism

An autism diagnosis affects an entire family. Overnight hopes, dreams, plans, and aspirations change, and parenting becomes a different challenge. When a child is diagnosed with autism, parents can feel like they have limited support. Family therapy programs support children, parents, siblings, and extended family to help family members cope with and understand a learner’s…

social skills for aspergers is important for these two young children

Benefits of Social Skills Programs for Asperger’s Syndrome

In recent years, awareness of Asperger’s syndrome has increased as more people are diagnosed with this high-functioning type of autism. With Asperger’s syndrome frequently portrayed on television and awareness in the media, there is a greater general understanding of the social skills struggles that face those with Asperger’s. These challenges often present as difficulty understanding…

a woman helps with different types of autism

Are There Different Types of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) covers a wide range of developmental challenges and symptoms. Often it takes time to get a diagnosis of autism, and the process can feel overwhelming for the family because it cannot simply be diagnosed with a blood test. Because of its complexity, it can be hard to understand the different types…

a child participates in speech therapy for autism

What to Expect in Speech Therapy for Autism

Many children with autism struggle to communicate. For some children, understanding body language or reading facial expressions may seem impossible. Others may have trouble articulating words and voicing their needs. These challenges may lead to isolation, frustration, and a lack of future independence. In some cases, communication challenges lead to bullying and difficulty building a…

a child benefits from individual therapy for autism

3 Reasons to Seek Individual Therapy for an Autistic Child

Autism affects every child differently, providing challenges at home, school, and beyond. While currently there are no treatments to cure ASD, individual therapy programs practice holistic approaches to a child’s individual needs. Working across disciplines, therapists address communication, behavior, and life skill challenges as well as a child’s unique strengths. Together, parents and therapists can…

a little girl benefits from a telehealth treatment program

What Does a Telehealth Treatment Program for Autism Offer?

Telehealth medicine is increasing in popularity and efficacy as more people seek treatment and support on their own schedule. For children and parents seeking autism treatment, it can often be difficult and overwhelming to find the right autism treatment program for a child’s specific needs. For many, telehealth treatment programs are a great way to…