children should practice autism life skills with parents

Ways to Teach Life Skills to Your Child with Autism

Autism can make daily life skills challenging. Children with autism may struggle to understand the world around them, which can create challenges at school and at home. Autism can make it difficult to understand the steps of home tasks like laundry, cooking, or understanding how money works. Often, this leads to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and…

a little girl benefits from a telehealth treatment program

What Does a Telehealth Treatment Program for Autism Offer?

Telehealth medicine is increasing in popularity and efficacy as more people seek treatment and support on their own schedule. For children and parents seeking autism treatment, it can often be difficult and overwhelming to find the right autism treatment program for a child’s specific needs. For many, telehealth treatment programs are a great way to…

a child develops functional skills

How Functional Skills Training Can Benefit a Child with ASD

Many children on the autism spectrum struggle with functional skills, also called “life skills,” which may include self-care and safety, basic chores, and understanding of money and transportation. A functional skills training program can help children with autism acquire habits that carry them into safe and healthy adulthood. For children with autism, developing routines, creating…